Harm Reduction Training – 6 Continuing Education Hours – Live by webinar
Our Next Harm Reduction Training is Feb 9, 2022, from 9-3 by Zoom.
Cost $125.00
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the big 3 M.A.T Programming (Medically Assisted Therapies)
- Understand how clean needle exchange programs work
- Understand what Naloxone, Suboxone, Methadone are and how they work in the body
- Learn 3 ways to find Safe Injection Sites
- Understand Opioid Replacement Treatment (ORT)
- Understand Heroin Maintenance programs
- Understand 2 Alcohol Harm Reduction Techniques
- Understand and apply Ethics of Harm Reduction
- Understand 5 Treatment Modalities for Harm Reduction
- Understand 3 ways Cannabis can assist in MAT
- Understand how Sugar, Food, and Nutrition play a role in addiction
- Understand how Porn and Sex Addiction are process addictions
- Understand what safer sex programs are and how to access them
- Understand 3 problems of sex work and HIV
- Understand what Decriminalization of Drugs means and demonstrate 2 ways to apply it.